
Showing posts from August, 2021


AUGUST 23rd, 2021 2k19 batch ; 3rd sem QUESTION - 1 LONG CASE: This is primarily a case of Acute glomerulonephritis, likely due to Secondary Amyloidosis due to Chronic Poorly Treated Seronegative Erosive Rheumatoid Arthritis. The patient presented with bilateral, symmetric, pitting type of edema which was extending upto the middle of his leg. The patient also had chronic pain in the joints leading to restriction of movement since 2011. Upon previous hospital visits, the RA factor was negative. Therefore, the patient was prescribed analgesics and sent home. Chronic use of analgesic drugs was seen from 2011-2019, the details of which were undocumented. Hyperuricemia was also observed in one of his recent visits during last year and Febuxostat was prescribed as it has proven to be more effective than Allopurinol in recent studies. Anasarca was the chief complaint of this visit for which through testing and examinations were done. Liver and cardiac causes were ruled out and renal pathology


 This is the online elog platform where there will be case discussion .Which improves basics of learning like how to take a case,howt to the patient,how to take history of the patient,how to examine the patient,and by considering what factors we have to diagnose,and the treatment that should be followed. UNDER THE GUIDENCE OF SAI DEEPIKA MA'AM (INTERN) INTRODUCTION: CASE And CLINICAL FINDINGS:    A 14 yr old female came to casualty with the chief complaints of  -2to 3 eposodes of vomitings -which is non projectile,non bilious associated with food particles 5days back HIGH GRADE FEVER, INTERMITTENT, relieved on medication Fever subsided 1 day back. History of present illness: • No H/o of cold ,cough,SOB , headache • Pain abdomen,     loose stools,      hematuria,     Malena     rash. No other complains PAST ILLNESS: No H/o DM,HTN,ASTHMA, EPILEPSY,CAD,TB PERSONAL HISTORY: No significant personal history FAMILY HISTORY: No significant family history GENERAL EXAMINATION Vitals: Tempera