70 yr old female patient ....

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

70yr old female came to OPD
loose stools since 10 days and two episodes of vomiting 10days ago. lower back pain and blebs over dorsal aspect right lower limb along with swelling since 20 days.
Patient was asymptomatic for 15yrs back.
15yrs back H/o fever - on check up found to have HTN 

10 yrs back joint pains were developed first to distal small joints ,elbow joint and now many joints are involved  ( pt do not have an idea about the sequence of joints involved in pain after that)

8 yrs back pt found that aggravated joints pains went to a  local hospital and started to use 
Tab OMNACORTIL 5mg OD tapperd in between again she restarted using OMNACORTIL 5mg OD
as she developed pains again.

5yrs back H/o  slip and fell off..and got operated for right tibial implant insitu.

4yrs  back  underwent tooth extraction.
        And also had history of loose stools with 
        tenesmus with no blood. ago  she was admitted in our hospital with the H/o fever and diagnosed with some renal problems (but no records are available)
later she was discharged.

1yr ago c/o facial puffiness, generalised weakness,on and off of B/l pedal edema,still with multiple joints pain.
5months back c/o Rt DIP ,PIP,wrist joint pain with restriction of movements ( mainly while eating) 
10 days ago c/o blebs over dorsal aspect of right foot later formed a scab along with swelling of right lower limb which is regressed now.
Also a c/o of lower backache along with 5-6episodes of stools/day (large volume,watery consistency)
H/o 2 episodes of vomiting 10 dys ago ,not associated with pain abdomen,fever, burning micturition,cough,SOB
No c/o chest pain , palpitations,giddiness,sweating
Bowel and bladder movements - regular
K/C/O of HTN since 15yrs ( 1 yr on T.TELMAH  80/12.5 mg OD,
H/O chronic Abuse of NSAIDS,steroid abuse for multiple joint pains.
N/K/C/O - DM  ,CVA 
H/O - reduced appetite since 1yr
Menopause at 40 yrs ago
TEMP - 96.6F
BP- 100/70 ( not on antiHTN since 4 days)
SPO2- 98 
GRBS-. 87mg / dl
NO pallor/ icterus/ cyanosis /clubbing
Generalised lymphadenopathy
Pedal edema present
Cushingoid appearance of face - present
Dry skin - present
No purple striae
Rt distal interphalangeal joints and proximal interphalangeal joints  and wrist are showing tenderness and showing painful ROM
Rt and Lt elbow- normal
B/l shoulders showing painful movement
Lower limbs showing :
Rt LL - Rt knee deformity,
           Rt ankle is externally rotated. 
Lt LL- normal,no ROM
Systemic Examination : 
S1 and S2 are heard
No murmurs
R/S : BAE+, NUBS +
P/N : soft ,non tender,BS +
Cranial nerves - intact
Sensory system - normal
                     RT             LT
BICEPS           3+             2+
TRICEPS         3+             1+
SUPINATOR     2+             1+
KNEE             _               _
ANKLE           _               _

Plantar withdrawl withdrawl
      AKI ?? CKD ?  ( secondary to NSAID                                      CHORINC ABUSE).
IVF   :. 20 s  and 
            10 RL
             50 ml / hr 
ORS SACHETS 1 sachet in 1 litre water
      200 ml of after each stool
T.Prednisolone 5 mg PO OD
             NO PURPLE STRIAE

               PUFFINESS OF THE FACE
       Xray of LS spine
           x ray of wrist AP veiw
.          Xray of wrist lateral view

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